Home > Colli Berici Golf Club > Museo Casa di Giulietta

Museo Casa di Giulietta

Juliet's house is a medieval palace in Verona, located in Via Cappello, a short distance from the central Piazza delle Erbe.
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet found evidence in Verona and the imagination mixed legend and reality, so much so that various places where the story told by Shakespeare were recognized.

The Casa di Giulietta Museum is housed in a solid medieval building, where the Dal Cappello family resided since the XIII century, which gives its name to the street and whose emblem is carved in a relief in the keystone of the internal arch of the building's courtyard. The entire complex has been the object of numerous restoration and renovation operations over the centuries, passing through the hands of various owners.
Meanwhile, the legend and the popular belief that identified it as the birthplace of Giulietta Capuleti and the Comune of Verona in 1907 deemed it appropriate to acquire at least part of the entire complex of the Middle Ages.


Via Cappello, 23 Verona (Verona)